//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Channel ZZ.mq4 | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "Copyright © 2008, TheXpert" #property link "theforexpert@gmail.com" extern string _1 = "Channel width in points"; extern int ChannelPoints = 150; extern string _2 = "Channel width in percent"; extern double ChannelPercent = 1.5; extern string _3 = "If 0, channel is counted using ChannelPoints , if 1 -- using ChannelPercent"; extern int ChannelType = 1; extern string _4 = "Font size"; extern int FontSize = 10; extern string _5 = "Font name"; extern string FontName = "Arial Black"; extern string _6 = "Font color"; extern color FontColor = Yellow; extern string _7 = "Draw or not objects containing ZZ statistics"; extern bool DrawStatistics = true; extern string _8 = "Offset for stats objects in points"; extern int StatisticsOffsetPoints = 20; extern string _9 = "Alert or not when the direction has been changed"; extern bool AlertBreakout = true; #property indicator_chart_window #property indicator_buffers 3 #property indicator_color1 LightGray #property indicator_width1 3 #property indicator_color2 LightGreen #property indicator_color3 Orange #property indicator_style2 STYLE_DASH #property indicator_style3 STYLE_DASH #define ID "Channel ZZ Stats " //---- buffers double ZZ[]; double UpChannel[]; double DnChannel[]; string symbol; #define UP 1 #define DN -1 #define NONE 0 int Direction; int LastDirection; datetime StartMax; datetime EndMax; datetime StartMin; datetime EndMin; // Channel Variables datetime StartChannel; datetime EndChannel; // Object Variables int Counter; int Length; int LastLength; double LastExtrValue; double ExtrValue; int ExtrDirection; datetime ExtrTime; int ChannelWidth; void DrawInfo(datetime endDraw) { if (!DrawStatistics) return; Length = MathAbs(MathRound((ExtrValue - LastExtrValue)/Point)); double pos = ExtrValue; if (Direction == UP) pos += StatisticsOffsetPoints*Point; string id = ID + Counter; string text; if (LastExtrValue != 0) { text = "(" + Length + ")"; if (LastLength != 0) { text = DoubleToStr(Length/(1.0*LastLength), 2) + text; } } if (ObjectFind(id) == -1) { ObjectCreate(id, OBJ_TEXT, 0, endDraw, pos); ObjectSet(id, OBJPROP_COLOR, FontColor); } ObjectMove(id, 0, endDraw, pos); ObjectSetText(id, text, FontSize, FontName); } void NotifyDirectionChange() { if (!AlertBreakout) return; if (ExtrTime < Time[1]) return; string direction = "UP"; if (Direction != UP) direction = "DOWN"; Alert("Channel ZZ ", Symbol(), " changed direction to ", direction); } void SetExtremum(double value, int direction, datetime time) { if (direction == ExtrDirection && ExtrTime != 0) { if (time == ExtrTime) { ExtrValue = value; DrawInfo(time); } else { ZZ[iBarShift(NULL, 0, ExtrTime)] = EMPTY_VALUE; ExtrValue = value; ExtrTime = time; DrawInfo(time); } } else { LastExtrValue = ExtrValue; ExtrValue = value; ExtrDirection = direction; ExtrTime = time; if (ChannelType == 1) { ChannelWidth = ChannelPercent*value/Point/100; } LastLength = Length; Counter++; DrawInfo(time); NotifyDirectionChange(); } ZZ[iBarShift(NULL, 0, ExtrTime)] = ExtrValue; } int init() { IndicatorShortName("-==-"); IndicatorBuffers(3); SetIndexBuffer(0, ZZ); SetIndexBuffer(1, UpChannel); SetIndexBuffer(2, DnChannel); SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_SECTION); SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_SECTION, STYLE_DASH); SetIndexStyle(2, DRAW_SECTION, STYLE_DASH); symbol = Symbol(); Direction = NONE; Counter = 0; StartMax = 0; EndMax = 0; StartMin = 0; EndMin = 0; Length = 0; LastLength = EMPTY_VALUE; LastExtrValue = 0; if (ChannelType == 0) { ChannelWidth = ChannelPoints; } return(0); } int deinit() { for (int i = 0; i <= Counter; i++) { ObjectDelete(ID + i); } } int start() { int ToCount = Bars - IndicatorCounted(); if (ToCount > 2) { ToCount = Bars; ArrayInitialize(ZZ, EMPTY_VALUE); ArrayInitialize(UpChannel, EMPTY_VALUE); ArrayInitialize(DnChannel, EMPTY_VALUE); } for (int i = ToCount - 1; i >= 1; i--) { if (Direction == NONE) { CheckInit(i); continue; } if (Direction == UP) { CheckUp(i); } else { CheckDown(i); } DrawChannel(i); } return(0); } void CheckInit(int i) { if (StartMax == 0 || StartMin == 0) { if (StartMax == 0) StartMax = Time[i]; if (StartMin == 0) StartMin = Time[i]; ExtrTime = 0; return; } if (Direction == NONE) { double maxValue = High[iBarShift(symbol, 0, StartMax)]; double minValue = Low[iBarShift(symbol, 0, StartMin)]; double nowMax = High[i]; double nowMin = Low[i]; if (nowMax > maxValue && Time[i] > StartMax) { EndMax = Time[i]; StartMin = Time[i]; Direction = UP; SetExtremum(nowMax, UP, EndMax); } else if (nowMin > minValue && Time[i] > StartMin) { EndMin = Time[i]; StartMax = Time[i]; Direction = DN; SetExtremum(nowMin, DN, EndMin); } } } void CheckUp(int i) { int startIndex = iBarShift(symbol, 0, StartMax); int endIndex = iBarShift(symbol, 0, EndMax); double endMaxValue = High[endIndex]; if (endMaxValue < High[i]) { endMaxValue = High[i]; EndMax = Time[i]; SetExtremum(High[i], UP, EndMax); } else { double startMaxValue = High[startIndex]; double startMinValue = Low[iBarShift(symbol, 0, StartMin)]; double nowMaxValue = endMaxValue; if (startIndex - endIndex != 0) { nowMaxValue += (endMaxValue - startMaxValue)/(startIndex - endIndex)*(endIndex - i); } double nowMinValue = Low[i]; if (nowMaxValue - nowMinValue > ChannelWidth*Point) { if (EndMax != i) { StartMin = Time[i]; EndMin = Time[i]; Direction = DN; SetExtremum(Low[i], DN, EndMin); } } } } void CheckDown(int i) { int startIndex = iBarShift(symbol, 0, StartMin); int endIndex = iBarShift(symbol, 0, EndMin); double endMinValue = Low[endIndex]; if (endMinValue > Low[i]) { endMinValue = Low[i]; EndMin = Time[i]; SetExtremum(Low[i], DN, EndMin); } else { double startMinValue = Low[startIndex]; double startMaxValue = High[iBarShift(symbol, 0, StartMax)]; double nowMinValue = endMinValue; if (startIndex - endIndex != 0) { nowMinValue += (endMinValue - startMinValue)/(startIndex - endIndex)*(endIndex - i); } double nowMaxValue = High[i]; if (nowMaxValue - nowMinValue > ChannelWidth*Point) { if (EndMin != i) { EndMax = Time[i]; StartMax = Time[i]; Direction = UP; SetExtremum(High[i], UP, EndMax); } } } } void DrawChannel(int i) { switch (Direction) { case UP: DrawUp(i); break; case DN: DrawDn(i); break; } } void DrawUp(int i) { int startIdx = iBarShift(symbol, 0, StartMax); int endIdx = iBarShift(symbol, 0, EndMax); if (startIdx == i) { UpChannel[i] = High[i]; DnChannel[i] = UpChannel[i] - ChannelWidth*Point; return; } if (startIdx - i > 1) { UpChannel[i + 1] = EMPTY_VALUE; DnChannel[i + 1] = EMPTY_VALUE; } if (startIdx == endIdx) { UpChannel[i] = UpChannel[startIdx]; DnChannel[i] = DnChannel[startIdx]; return; } double upValue = High[startIdx] + (High[endIdx] - High[startIdx])/(endIdx - startIdx)*(i - startIdx); UpChannel[i] = upValue; DnChannel[i] = UpChannel[i] - ChannelWidth*Point; } void DrawDn(int i) { int startIdx = iBarShift(symbol, 0, StartMin); int endIdx = iBarShift(symbol, 0, EndMin); if (startIdx == i) { UpChannel[i] = Low[i]; DnChannel[i] = UpChannel[i] + ChannelWidth*Point; return; } if (startIdx - i > 1) { UpChannel[i + 1] = EMPTY_VALUE; DnChannel[i + 1] = EMPTY_VALUE; } if (startIdx == endIdx) { UpChannel[i] = UpChannel[startIdx]; DnChannel[i] = DnChannel[startIdx]; return; } double dnValue = Low[startIdx] + (Low[endIdx] - Low[startIdx])/(endIdx - startIdx)*(i - startIdx); UpChannel[i] = dnValue; DnChannel[i] = UpChannel[i] + ChannelWidth*Point; }